Friday, December 25, 2009

A real Christmas miracle

Some of my regular blog readers have noticed the Code Amber ticker I have at the top of the blog. For some reason it has had the same last three names on it for months but the first alert up (when one is active) is always the newest so I leave it up.

Today there was a local alert. Since I'm out and on a section of rural highway at odd hours (doing a newspaper route in the mornings to make a few extra quarters before breakfast) I always read the Arizona Amber alerts and those from surrounding states. The alert profiled a five year old Phoenix girl, Natalie Flores, who was abducted earlier this afternoon.

Luckily this one had a happy ending. Police were tipped off and spotted the suspect's vehicle and rescued Natalie, who from preliminary reports appears to be unharmed. The suspect is in custody.

This is the kind of ending that reminds us of why the Amber alert system was created and why it is so important. And for Natalie's family it helped produce a real Christmas miracle today.


  1. Interesting that you tagged the Phoenix police. I guess Sheriff Arpaio was too busy harrassing political opponents and people with brown skin to bother with something as trivial as an Amber alert.

  2. Jack,

    That's not specifically why (I wanted to give credit where it was due) but I agree with you that that's probably what the Sheriff of Nottingham was doing during this. That, and twiddling his thumbs, an Amber alert for a girl with an Hispanic surname probably went to the bottom of his 'do' list.

  3. This proves how important it is to get out the word fast and get the public involved. Just like the actions of the passengers on that jet with the unsuccessful bomber, we must be each others keepers.

    I'm happy this family had a happy ending to their ordeal. Good for those who got involved.
