Thursday, October 15, 2009

Out of the mouth of a babe

President Obama held a town hall format meeting today at the University of New Orleans. After entertaining several questions from adults, nine year old Terrance Scott got a chance to ask a question.

Terrance's question: "Why do people hate you?"

I thought the President did a pretty good job of answering the question, explaining that a lot of it is just politics and that there are also some people who are frustrated about the economy, losing their homes, losing their jobs, losing their health insurance, etc.

Of course there are still those who just plain hate the President too, and we all know that. Apparently so does the next generation of America's children.


  1. The Nobel Committee understands that this man could bridge cultures as well as old grudges. It's not just the boy's question that is significant, but the way the President answers it.

    He could have taken the opportunity to take cheap shot at the Far Right. Instead, he gave them an extended hand.

    It's interesting how some in the Republican leadership have been reaching back to the President in the past few weeks while questioning the actions of those in their Far Right base.

    Significant change usually comes from these small gestures not armed revolutions. It lays the foundation for firm law. When society is ready to move, you then have the framework and leadership in place to make it permanently.

  2. Some former Republican leaders have reached back to the President (i.e. Howard Baker, Bill Frist, Bob Dole) but then they aren't the ones trying to placate their Beck/Limbaugh/Hannity-juiced up 'base.' It's not like there is anything they can say that will cost Bill Frist any sleep anymore.

    At least Olympia Snowe isn't afraid of the chips falling where they will.
