Thursday, October 26, 2006

Radio Interview about Renzi

The situation involving the 'Gentleman from Virginia' our congressman Rick Renzi (R-AZ 1) seems to be moving fairly fluidly at the moment.

On Friday (thanks to zelph) I will be interviewed on the "Mike Newcomb show" on KPHX about Mr. Renzi and his long history of corruption leading up to the present investigation.

It looks like I will be on about seven (Arizona time, which is 10 eastern). It is 1480 AM, streaming at


  1. Good deal Eli.

    If you can capture streaming audio & post it that would be great.

    I'd tell you good luck, but you don't need it.

  2. I don't have a sound card. Which is too bad because about an hour after me, apparently Ellen Simon will be on the show.

  3. Err, that would be KPHX radio, 1480AM. Anyway, good luck tomorrow!

    You can stream the show livw here.
