Tuesday, October 31, 2006

Just in case you still think John McCain stands for values

Left on my answering machine this morning:

This is Senator John McCain. I'm calling to urge you to support my friend, Representative Rick Renzi for Congress. Rick has represented the first district of Arizona with tenacity, honesty and integrity beyond reproach. I work with Rick every day and can report to you his total dedication to the people of Arizona and the United States. Please join me in supporting rural Arizona's workhorse Congressman on November 7. [Paid for and authorized by Rick Renzi for Congress]

Well, I needed a good laugh for Halloween.


  1. i assume Rick is a rethug. good ole McCain; he always comes thru. love the way he came out after Kerry today... NOT!

    btw, happy halloween! :+)

  2. "Hi, I'm John McCain, and I smoke more dope in one day than Willie Nelson smokes in a week, so I endorse Len Munsil for governor. And that, uh, what's his name again, ah, Rod Renzi, that guy from Virginia. He's good too."

