Thursday, October 12, 2006

Getting Local

A lot goes on locally in various states that the polls and national stories may not pick up. For that reason, I tend to rely on the experience and views of local bloggers, at least those who I believe are reliable.

Of course in my links I have two Arizona bloggers who focus mainly on local stories, Tedski at Rum, Romanism and Rebellion (who is unabashedly a Democrat, in fact recently a candidate until he lost a primary race for state legislature) and Jane Arizona at Arizona Congress Watch who, as the name implies, focuses nearly exclusively on the eight members of our Congressional delegation, our two Senators, and their opponents and the races for those seats this year.

I've now started a new section, down below 'Blogs not on the Left.' If you know of a good local blog in your state, please give me the URL and I will check it out. These should be blogs which focus exclusively or almost exclusively on local political matters, which have the integrity to (even if there is obvious spin or bias) report things essentially as they are, and which are updated daily or a reasonably close approximation to daily (so if the last post is dated in August don't bother to tell me about it no matter how good the blog looks.) I will look it over and if it looks good enough I will include it in the new sidebar. I've already found a handful.


  1. I'd recommend "New Mexico Politics with Joe Monahan" for the Land of Enchantment, Eli, although the site loads a tad slowly if you've got dial-up access. Monahan covers pretty much everything statewide, and has some terrific insider sources. He even covered the Libertarians' annual convention last spring.

  2. Thanks. I will put it on there.
