Wednesday, May 31, 2006

AMBER alert ticker

I found this on Chuck's new blog, Bushmerika, Part II.

You will probably notice a line up at the top of the page showing if there is an active AMBER Alert. If you don't know what that is, it is a notification put out by local police agencies indicating that a child has been abducted and may be in physical danger, along with any information available about the abductor, the location and if applicable, vehicle description. If the background is yellow, then it means that there is an active alert at this time.

Dealing with pedophiles is a complex issue, and I've blogged on it several times in the past. I may soon put together another more comprehensive post on it. But the first and most important priority has to be protecting America's children, and the AMBER alert system has already resulted in the capture of dozens of suspects and the rescue of dozens of children.


  1. Hey, the more ways of getting the word out in the fastest time possible...the better. Every second counts.

  2. It is a great idea isn't it?

    Karen- I hadn't heard about the cell phone thing.

    Elizabeth- You're so right. Every second counts!

    And although I haven't updated my HELP FIND MISSING CHILDREN page recently, please visit! You never know...
