Wednesday, April 05, 2006

Even the pollsters have closed the book on this, judging by the attention they are paying.

How secure do the national folks think that Arizona Governor Janet Napolitano is?

Well, secure enough that even the pollsters aren't paying much attention to this race.

For example, today Rasmussen released a poll predictably showing the governor way ahead of three potential Republican opponents.

The surprise was that the Rasmussen organization appears to not even have updated their own records in several months. The three Republicans that they named in the poll (which was taken just late last week) were John Greene, Don Goldwater and Jan Florez. Goldwater is still running, but on his name only and has virtually no support that I can see outside of a few blocks in Paradise Valley. Like a lot of 'celebrity names,' he is probably better known in Washington than he is in most of Arizona. Greene dropped out several weeks ago because after months of campaigning his negligible support was matched only by his lack of funds. Florez is probably the closest of the three to being a serious candidate, but her support level is still pretty low.

Further, the most likely nominee for the Republicans, Len Munsill, isn't even in the picture for the Rasmussen organization. Munsill, the director of a conservative think tank, got into the race later than the other candidates but should win the Republican nomination easily. Not that it will matter, because he will still get beaten soundly by Governor Napolitano in November.

If they pay this kind of attention, no wonder Rasmussen's numbers for Presidential approval always are two or three points higher than the rest of the polls. They're just stuck in last year somewhere.

1 comment:

  1. National polls never pay much attention to Arizona anyway.
