Monday, November 07, 2005

Word verification

I have reluctantly had to enable the 'word verification' feature on Deep Thought. This has been necessitated by the number of spam robots that seem to have 'discovered' Deep Thought.

I don't like this feature on other blogs, and think it is a nuisance. However, I have had to spend more and more time scooping up spam from old posts, so the time has come to do this. I do support the first amendment, and as such I have let all posts of a different opinion remain up (except for one instance when filthy language was the trigger). However, I do not consider it an infringement on anyone's free speech rights to get rid of posts left by an automated spamming program that is trying to use my blog to sell something.


  1. I had to do the same thing! I hate Spam too...damn the fake comments! ;)

  2. You're good until the bots get an OCR engine, Eli.

    Too bad controlling corporate greed isn't as easy as turning on word verification.

  3. I don't blame you, Eli. Vast difference between blog comments and spam.
