Monday, September 26, 2005

Has the 'monkey' from the Scopes trial been elected to the school board?

(actual disclaimer put in textbooks by the Cobb County (Georgia) school board, recently declared unconstitutional at a cost of $209,000 to the school district-- a severe pinch for a small rural school district.)

In fact, this is relatively tame compared to the actions of the Dover, Pennyslvania school board, which has expressly mandated that

9th grade biology students “will be made aware of gaps/problems in Darwin’s theory and of other theories of evolution, including, but not limited to, intelligent design.”

Today, in a Pennsylvania courthouse, arguments were put forward for and against the new version of the Dover school board science curriculum.

I have blogged before on why, without any scientific evidence to back it up, the theory of 'Intelligent Design' belongs in a philosophy class rather than a science class. This is despite my own personal belief that it may very well be true, but to simply allow it or any other untested hypothesis into a science classroom without holding it to the same scientific standard as other science is held to, is a disservice to American students at a time of an increasingly competitive international research field.


  1. Eli,

    You and I may understand the bleeding of the military, but I find it really hard to believe that Conservatives see it. the hecklers at the Peace Rally in DC standing on the corner yelling "Better there than here." What we are dealing with are minds that have lost respect for human decency.

  2. "Better there than here." What we are dealing with are minds that have lost respect for human decency.

    We are dealing with minds that can't tell the different between Pushtuns, Persians, Arabs and the men who attacked us.
